The NARS Unfiltered I as well as Unfiltered II Cheek Palettes

Surprise! No Orgasm. [awkward pause] REKLAME Um…why is it that whatever I state lately seems inadvertently dirty? Jeg ved ikke. These two new NARS Unfiltered Cheek Palettes are coming soon to the Sephora site on December 6th as well as then to as well as Sephora stores on December 15th, as well as they. Er. Gorgeous! The NARS Unfiltered I Cheek combination on the left as well as the Unfiltered II Cheek combination on the best ($59 each) Each one has five new restricted edition blush colors as well as one repromote. That bright red, though!!? You may acknowledge...

The MAC Patrick Starrr Me So Fleek/Patrickstarrr full face kit

I wore this MAC Patrick Starrr face kit to Trader Joe’s yesterday and had a moment. It’s not like a Mariah Carey diva spotlight shot down from the heavens in the middle of Trader Joe’s yesterday, but one might as well have. I was standing in front of the eggs gawking at an empty section on the top shelf where the liquid egg whites were expected to be. Connor was sitting in the cart, and I looked at her and said, “THERE’S NOOOOO MORRRRRRRRE!” possibly a little too loudly (and my family wonders where she gets her expressive tendencies). I...